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Suburb Houses

Florida Property Refinancing

refinances &title insurance

When you want to refinance your home, Haven Title has the experience to assist our clients throughout the entire process. Whether it has been 6 months or 10 years since you purchased your home, if you want your refinance to go through, your lender is likely going to require a new title search. Haven Title can help!


Image by Gabrielle Henderson

Haven Title in Tampa, Florida will research the title to your property as the lender wants assurance that the loan applicant is the legal owner of the property. The lender also wants to know whether there are any issues with the title. Even if the title was researched for the initial mortgage, the lender wants to know if any changes have occurred in the title since that time.


As a reminder, a title search looks for any defects in the title that could raise any red flags for the lender. They want to feel confident that the loan they provide to you is in the first lienholder position. That way, if something should happen, they feel confident that their loan is protected and their risk is reduced. This title search looks to ensure that there are no liens or judgments that have been attached to the property or anything else that can cause issue with the title. 


All of this is an important part of protection for the lender. Haven Title has you covered. Contact us today to order your title search during your refinance. 

Work With Our Title Experts. 


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3249 W. Cypress St. Suite C., Tampa, FL 33607



(813) 699-3054


(813) 699-3533

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